Dr. Johnny Green
As the Senior Pastor/Chief Executive Officer (which only means I work a lot) of this ministry, I am blessed to have been able to have an impact on so many lives here at Bethel. I served 20-years in the US Air Force, which prepared me for so much, not to mention serving at Bethel as a teacher, trainer, mentor, and shepherd, and as a valued leader in ministry.
My wife Alice and I have been honored to lead. As a growing family in the church, we have been blessed with our amazing daughters; Chanell (Jessie) and Kimberly (Dan). Of great importance are our 6 awesome grandchildren: Joshua (21), Ashley (18), Noah (16), Sophia (6), Peyton (3), and Zila (2)!
I love learning and as well as being an ordained minister with The Assemblies of God, having been military retired, I also have a Doctorate in Biblical Leadership, a Masters Degree in Business Management, and a Bachelors degree in Industrial Technology.
One of my favorite pastimes is being with people and loving my family. I'm into traveling, golf, and being an avid Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Hawks fan! Okay, that’s enough! My hope is to meet you soon, in the hopes that we can get to know each other.
My wife Alice and I have been honored to lead. As a growing family in the church, we have been blessed with our amazing daughters; Chanell (Jessie) and Kimberly (Dan). Of great importance are our 6 awesome grandchildren: Joshua (21), Ashley (18), Noah (16), Sophia (6), Peyton (3), and Zila (2)!
I love learning and as well as being an ordained minister with The Assemblies of God, having been military retired, I also have a Doctorate in Biblical Leadership, a Masters Degree in Business Management, and a Bachelors degree in Industrial Technology.
One of my favorite pastimes is being with people and loving my family. I'm into traveling, golf, and being an avid Dallas Cowboys and Atlanta Hawks fan! Okay, that’s enough! My hope is to meet you soon, in the hopes that we can get to know each other.

David Egan
It’s a privilege to serve at Bethel, where I lead in Kids Ministry, Youth Ministry, and manage our website. With over 35 years of experience in ministry since childhood—spanning children’s, youth, young adult, men’s ministries, and the Royal Rangers—I’m passionate about creating environments where young people can grow in their faith.
As an Ordained Minister with 15 years in pastoral ministry, I hold an MBA, a BA in Ministry, and an AAS in Business Management.
My wife and I enjoy life with our children, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and exploring new adventures.
My heart is to see kids and youth embrace a lifelong relationship with Jesus, experience the power of the Holy Spirit, and rise up as leaders in both the church and the world.
To shape and mold people and places to be better than they were before, creating life-giving spaces and hope-producing people.
As an Ordained Minister with 15 years in pastoral ministry, I hold an MBA, a BA in Ministry, and an AAS in Business Management.
My wife and I enjoy life with our children, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and exploring new adventures.
My heart is to see kids and youth embrace a lifelong relationship with Jesus, experience the power of the Holy Spirit, and rise up as leaders in both the church and the world.
To shape and mold people and places to be better than they were before, creating life-giving spaces and hope-producing people.

Israel Ramirez
Nací en San Juan, Puerto Rico. Comencé a asistir a la iglesia desde que era muy pequeño. Desde niño siempre estuve envuelto en las actividades de la iglesia. Cuando fui un adolecente y joven, siempre enseñe clases Bíblicas y predique cuando era necesario. Disfrutaba servir a Dios y cooperar en todo en la iglesia.
Estudie un Certificado en Biblia en el Instituto Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Obtuve un Bachillerato en Ciencias de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en el Recinto de Mayagüez en Mayo del 1988. Rápidamente, también complete una Maestría de Administración de Empresas en la Universidad Interamericana en Junio del 1990. En agosto del 1990 me traslade a Maryland, Estados Unidos, en busca de trabajo.
Mis primeros años en los Estados Unidos no fueron fáciles. Decidí volver a estudiar otra Maestría en Investigación de Operaciones (Matemática Aplicada) en la Universidad de George Washington, Washington DC. Llevo más de 20 años trabajando para el gobierno federal.
Desde que llegue a Estados Unidos continúe trabajando activamente con los jóvenes en la Iglesia Hispana en Washington DC. Por muchos años fui maestro del Instituto Biblico Latinoamericano en Washington DC. Cuando me case con Rosa Ruth Reyes, comencé a asistir a la Iglesia Bethel en Savage, Maryland. Aquí fue donde Dios hablo a mi esposa y a mí porque quería que trabajáramos con el grupo Hispano. Más tarde este grupo llego a convertirse en el Ministerio Hispano en el que soy pastor por casi 10 años.
Actualmente soy Pastor Ordenado de las Iglesias Asambleas de Dios. Mi deseo es ayudar a la comunidad Hispana de esta área para que conozca a Cristo. Me encanta predicar y enseñar la Palabra de Dios. Creo firmemente que Dios tiene un propósito para mi esposa y mi persona y El mismo nos ayudara a cumplir ese propósito divino que tiene con nosotros.
*El Pastor Israel acepta ofertas para dar conferencias, predicar en diferentes lugares, y provee estudios bíblicos.
Estudie un Certificado en Biblia en el Instituto Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Obtuve un Bachillerato en Ciencias de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, en el Recinto de Mayagüez en Mayo del 1988. Rápidamente, también complete una Maestría de Administración de Empresas en la Universidad Interamericana en Junio del 1990. En agosto del 1990 me traslade a Maryland, Estados Unidos, en busca de trabajo.
Mis primeros años en los Estados Unidos no fueron fáciles. Decidí volver a estudiar otra Maestría en Investigación de Operaciones (Matemática Aplicada) en la Universidad de George Washington, Washington DC. Llevo más de 20 años trabajando para el gobierno federal.
Desde que llegue a Estados Unidos continúe trabajando activamente con los jóvenes en la Iglesia Hispana en Washington DC. Por muchos años fui maestro del Instituto Biblico Latinoamericano en Washington DC. Cuando me case con Rosa Ruth Reyes, comencé a asistir a la Iglesia Bethel en Savage, Maryland. Aquí fue donde Dios hablo a mi esposa y a mí porque quería que trabajáramos con el grupo Hispano. Más tarde este grupo llego a convertirse en el Ministerio Hispano en el que soy pastor por casi 10 años.
Actualmente soy Pastor Ordenado de las Iglesias Asambleas de Dios. Mi deseo es ayudar a la comunidad Hispana de esta área para que conozca a Cristo. Me encanta predicar y enseñar la Palabra de Dios. Creo firmemente que Dios tiene un propósito para mi esposa y mi persona y El mismo nos ayudara a cumplir ese propósito divino que tiene con nosotros.
*El Pastor Israel acepta ofertas para dar conferencias, predicar en diferentes lugares, y provee estudios bíblicos.
Kayla Flesher
Hello, I am Kayla Flesher. I serve as the Worship Arts Administrator.
(Full Bio coming soon)
(Full Bio coming soon)

Alice Green
Hello, I am Alice Green. I am currently serving as Dr. Green’s Administrative Assistant. I have actively served in Bethel Ministries for over 20 plus years; 15 years as the Principal of Bethel Christian Academy, 6 years as a classroom teacher (BCA and Colorado Public school system). I also serve as the Women’s Ministry Leader at Bethel and Leader of a Discipleship group for women and Co-leader with Dr. Green leading a marriage Discipleship group.
In 2018, I started a 501c3 called Just Breathe Ministries with my friend, Judy Bernath. We travel ministering to women wherever the Lord leads. We also have a Podcast called, ‘Tea and Talk with Alice and Judy’.
Dr. Johnny Green and I have been married for 42 + years. We have two daughters Chanell (Jesse) and Kimberly (Daniel) and six wonderful grandchildren.
In 2018, I started a 501c3 called Just Breathe Ministries with my friend, Judy Bernath. We travel ministering to women wherever the Lord leads. We also have a Podcast called, ‘Tea and Talk with Alice and Judy’.
Dr. Johnny Green and I have been married for 42 + years. We have two daughters Chanell (Jesse) and Kimberly (Daniel) and six wonderful grandchildren.

Claire Dant
Mrs. Dant has been involved in education for over 30 years as a home school leader, a classroom teacher, and a school administrator. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She also holds a Head of School Endorsement Certificate with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Mrs. Dant taught at Bethel Christian Academy for several years before becoming Assistant Principal for 12 years. She is entering her third year as BCA’s Principal. Mrs. Dant is passionate about Christian education in which students are challenged to grow spiritually and academically. and where they can experience the reality of Christian community. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother who enjoys reading, horseback riding, and CrossFit training.